
Friday, January 31, 2014

Sweet Slumber: How to Get Some Sleep

One of the worst and most heinous things that happen as we become golden is that sleep can sometimes elude us. Adding insult to injury, our bodies have begun to revolt and we discover some aches and pains that totally ruin a night of sound sleep. I know, it seems men don't have this problem getting off to sleep as much as women do, but I know of some men that do. So guys, this is for you too.

We have all seen the daytime television shows that offer advice on the subject of sleep. We watch and think, "Ok that sounds easy enough."   We try some of the solutions mentioned and what happens?  We end up staring at the dark walls for hours, sometimes until daylight comes creeping through the window. Unless you have blackout curtains and can't tell whether it's night or day anyway.

Without sleep, the most even-keeled among us can become hell on wheels the next day, sniping at everyone that  has the misfortune of crossing our paths.  So, for the sake of our families and friends, we need to sleep. I've searched for common sense information on the subject for a while now, and some of what I have read does make sense.

An article from CNN Tech suggests that the light from our devices such as our readers and tablets can mess with our sleep cycles and affect our internal clocks. It is suggested that we turn off these devices at night, keep them out of the bedroom, and switch to a good, old fashioned book (can you believe a book can seriously be considered as old fashioned now?) a few hours before bedtime.

There are certain foods and supplements that are best for getting a good nights sleep, too. According to an article at Health, some foods are great for getting off to sleep while some are not so great. Among the good guys are cherries, sweet potatoes, milk, and turkey. Bananas especially so, because they contain two muscle relaxants, magnesium and potassium. A couple of the worst are chocolate and wine, which really is a downer to think about. Wine and chocolate and a good book? Who doesn't think that is a great combination? Not so much, if you want a good night's sleep.

Lack of enough sleep can also be bad for your heart, according to this video from Huffpost Healthy Living. Not getting enough sleep can lead to developing not only heart disease, but diabetes and obesity as well.

Most of us are busy with family, friends, work, living our lives. We want to be healthy, yet we can become overwhelmed with too much information to sift through.  If we follow a few easy and common sense solutions, maybe they will lead to that sweet slumber we all need and crave.

Let's all get a good night's sleep, and be well.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


When we reach a time in our lives that is beyond the age of fifty, the things that matter to us change. We are no longer in school, establishing careers, buying starter homes and raising children. We have older children to get through college or launched into adulthood, parents that are aging and perhaps need help. We are concerned about our future, financial security and have our health to consider. 

Feisty Over Fifty is about us and the issues that we care about. Health, fitness, diet, long term vitality, finances, the issues and events in our country and our world that impact us, that matter to us, that will effect us.

In her book, Inventing the Rest of Our Lives, Suzanne Braun Levine talks about our changing roles and navigating our second adulthood. Her book addressed women, but can apply to all of us entering the uncharted territory that is ahead of those of us entering the age of 50 and beyond.  

Welcome to Feisty Over Fifty